A Long Line of Bitter Women
This will hurt.
You’ll never hear six words from a man: ”I am a strong, independent man.”
You’ll never hear these words from a man because a man has no choice but to be strong and independent. No one is coming to save him. There won’t be multiple rescue attempts made on his behalf. No one is going to swoop in, pay all his bills, and take care of his illegitimate children.
Women say these words because they are comparing themselves to a man and what a man does — or at least what they think a man does. The envy women carry for men exists. They try everything to compete with men, using wacky feminine ideals about what makes a man a real man.
Every adult must be strong and independent to succeed and contribute to society.
With this in mind, a man must accept the truth: he is the prize in a relationship. He is a gift to a woman as he comes in ready to shoulder her burden on top of his. The rules for finding a woman for a lifetime commitment have changed. Men who know their value must investigate the real story behind the women standing before them.

Don’t Ignore the Inevitable Signs
Does she come from a long line of single mothers, aunts, and cousins? My ex-wife fit this mold to a Tee. She was one of five sisters.
My fiancee and I eloped in 1996. Two of her older sisters were already married and one was engaged. I could see those marriages weren’t ideal. There was constant verbal sparring and small signs of disrespect. But as for me, I felt lucky. My woman was fine. All of her sisters were good-looking. I knew my children were going to be something special.
When my wife and I split up after 11 years, her sisters had already separated or divorced. And I understood why.
They all had that same “I’m a strong, independent black woman” thing going on. The women had their quintessential matriarchal-influenced attitude. They had become a dysfunctional group of commiserating harpies.
Individually they held a place among the nicest, sweetest, and most caring people I’d ever met. But this was only when I dealt with them one-on-one. But if you have a long line of single mothers, divorcees, aunts, and cousins, you have generational curses and other problems within that family.

Problems will rear their heads sooner or later. These problems will likely trickle down to children and their relationships.
And the point is men of value shouldn’t want to be around either way. Don’t even let yourself get sucked in. Ask questions that give you insight into a woman’s character, and uncover her family history. Dive into her family dynamics.
And if you’re a healthy man under thirty, stay away from single mothers.
Don’t get caught in the puppy love trap. It’s not about butterflies in your stomach. Passion ebbs and flows. You’re interviewing her for a lifetime position inside the corporation of You. You’re the CEO. She’s the COO. Can you guys work and build together with the same singular vision?
Ask yourself: Would you bring in somebody who embezzles from the company, sells your secrets, and leaves you in bankruptcy?