Feminism has undergone significant changes since its inception. Originally, the goal of feminism was to achieve social, political, and economic equality for women. This was in response to the many ways in which women were discriminated against and disadvantaged in society. In the early days of feminism, the focus was largely on issues such as suffrage, reproductive rights, and equal pay.
Over time, feminism has evolved and become more complex, unjust, mean, and downright scandalous. Today, there are many different branches of feminism, each with its own set of beliefs and goals. Some of the main branches of feminism include liberal feminism, socialist feminism, radical feminism, and intersectional feminism.
Faces of Feminism
Liberal feminism is focused on achieving equality for women through legal and political means. It seeks to change laws and policies that discriminate against women and to create more opportunities for women in the political, economic, and social spheres.
Socialist feminism is a branch of feminism that views the oppression of women as being closely connected to the capitalist system. It advocates for the creation of a socialist society in which women and men are treated equally.
Radical feminism is a more extreme form of feminism that views patriarchy as the root cause of women’s oppression. It seeks to fundamentally transform society and eliminate patriarchy, rather than just seeking to achieve equality within the existing system.
Intersectional feminism is a branch of feminism that recognizes that women’s experiences of oppression are not solely based on their gender, but also on other aspects of their identity such as race, class, and sexual orientation. It seeks to understand and combat all forms of oppression, rather than just focusing on gender.
Feminism Gives Birth to ‘Toxic Masculinity’
One of the main ways in which feminism has changed is in its focus on intersectionality. In the past, feminism was often criticized for being too focused on the experiences of white, middle-class women, and for not taking into account the unique experiences of women of color, working-class women, and women in the LGBTQ+ community. Intersectional feminism has helped to address this issue by acknowledging that women’s experiences of oppression are not just based on their gender, but also on other aspects of their identity.
Another way in which feminism has changed is in its focus on men and masculinity. In the past, some feminists were critical of men and sought to challenge traditional notions of masculinity. However, more recent approaches to feminism have recognized that men can also be victims of patriarchy and that challenging toxic masculinity is important for the liberation of all genders.
One of the new ideals behind feminism that has generated significant debate is the idea of “toxic femininity.” This concept suggests that traditional notions of femininity, such as being nurturing and caring, can also be harmful and oppressive. Some proponents of this idea argue that these traditional gender roles limit women’s potential and reinforce the gender binary. Others, however, argue that this idea is harmful because it suggests that there is something inherently wrong with being a woman or expressing femininity.
Feminism Gives Birth to ‘Cultural Appropriation’
Another controversial idea within feminism is the concept of “cultural appropriation.” This refers to the adoption of elements of a culture by a different group, often with the intention of profit or gain. Some feminists argue that cultural appropriation is harmful because it involves the exploitation of marginalized cultures and the erasure of their history and traditions. Others, however, argue that cultural exchange and borrowing can be a positive thing and that it is important to celebrate diversity rather than policing cultural boundaries.
One of the main criticisms of contemporary feminism is that it is too focused on individualism and not enough on collective action and social change. Some argue that the emphasis on personal choice and self-empowerment within feminism has led to a lack of attention to larger structural issues such as poverty, racism, and environmental degradation.
There is also a growing movement within feminism that is critical of mainstream consumer culture and the way it promotes certain ideals of beauty and femininity. This movement often referred to as “body positivity,” seeks to challenge the narrow standards of beauty that are promoted by the media and to celebrate diversity in bodies and appearance.
One of the main challenges faced by feminists today is the rise of “anti-feminism” or “men’s rights” movements. These movements argue that feminism is unnecessary or even harmful and that it unfairly discriminates against men. Some of the main arguments put forth by these movements include the idea that men are victims of reverse discrimination, that the focus on women’s rights takes away from other important issues, and that the goal of feminism is to destroy the traditional family structure.
Despite these challenges, feminism remains a vital and powerful movement for the sisterhood. The struggles faced by women around the world, such as the gender pay gap (proven to be false), reproductive rights (female right-to-lifers are voting against “my body, my choice”, and sexual harassment, show that there is still much work to be done in order to achieve true gender equality. While there may be differing opinions within the feminist movement, the overall goal of achieving equality and justice for all genders remains the same.
The question remains, is gender equality useful or even possible when the genders are inherently not the same? We are born different and become even more different as we age and mature. Despite the masculine qualities Modern Western women exhibit and the effeminate nature of some beta males, we are still very much unequal.
Modern Western women still want a man to pay all of their bills. That’s not 50/50. Modern Western women still require the man to get out of bed and investigate if someone breaks a window in the middle of the night. That is not 50/50. Modern Western women still expect the man to pay for everything on the first date – and will not accept a simple “coffee date”.
The Superiority Complex of Feminism
In conclusion, feminism has undergone significant changes over the years and continues to evolve. Where it is evolving is unknown. Often it seems like feminism is no longer about equality but about superiority. Women not only want to crush the patriarchy, but they also want to install a modern matriarchy. Which basically means they want men to accept what they themselves are fighting against. How ironic.
While many of the new ideals within the movement may be controversial, the overall goal of achieving equality and justice for all genders remains uncertain. It is important to continue to have open and respectful dialogue about these issues and to work towards creating a more natural and just society for all people. Equality does not exist in the animal kingdom.