“I wish more Americans had passports.” – Anthony Bourdain to President Barack Obama, 2018

Nobody Wants an Average Man in the US
Passport Brothers are leaving the states because U.S. women no longer want or need them. Passport Bros are average, hardworking, kind, loving men, but average modern women no longer want them.
So, Passport Brothers have identified several countries with women who desire them, want to marry them, and want to treat them well.
In these countries, average to above-average women are anxious to make their acquaintance.
The Hypergamy Racket
The name refers to the practice or tendency of individuals, most often women, to seek lifelong partners who are of obviously higher socioeconomic status than they are. The benefit to women is that by default and through no effort or struggle of their own, they achieve higher social standing, greater financial success, and superior social clout.
The concept of hypergamy is often discussed in the context of marriage dynamics and spousal selection. The term is derived from the Greek words “hyper,” meaning above, and “gamos,” meaning marriage.
Hypergamy isn’t necessarily a good thing or a bad thing. Some say hypergamists should not be judged by their goals or choices. The practice merely reflects a pattern observed in the mindsets some people (i.e. women) may have when choosing a life partner.
I say you be the judge of whether they should be judged or not. More often than not, men are not hypergamous. Billionaire men have no problem marrying Baristas at Starbucks if she is pretty and sweet.
That said, many modern women toss around the word hypergamy to defend the choices they made which can be reflective of bad things like gold digging, adultery, infidelity, and manipulation.
All hypergamous actions are taken in an attempt to level up and secure a higher-value man.
While some women may claim that their choices are merely reflective of personal preferences, it’s difficult for average men to ignore how so many different women have the same personal preference.
Check with the women to your left and right: chances are they both want a man who is 6′ 2″ or taller, earns well over $100,000 per year, has six-pack abs, loves to spoil his woman, and is the most handsome guy in a room.

When did Above Average Become the New Average?
Above-average men are the now new average for women.
Ask any average-looking woman to rate her looks, fresh out of the shower, with no make-up, using a scale of 1 to 10, and she can’t use 7. What will she say?
Most will say, “I feel like I’m a 10.”
I feel. They will say that they gave themselves that rating because of self-confidence. But in the same breath, they will look at average-looking men and rate them a 2.
Why don’t average-looking women want average-looking men?
Ask any man the same question as the one above and he’ll likely be 100% honest and he’ll tell you he’s a 6 and he’ll be fine with it. A man knows his limitations.
He knows it doesn’t do him any good to entertain delusions about his ranking in the sexual marketplace in the real world. If he doesn’t tell the truth, he knows his boys will school him.
The same cannot be said for women who often feed off each other’s delusions.
Some women thrive in echo chambers where they repeat everything they’ve heard as if it is fact and not simply feeling. Thus these women tend to think every woman is a 10, just like they are.
Which brings up the question: why don’t modern women want average men?
Average-looking modern women don’t desire average-looking men because they believe they can do better. And by thinking they can do better, they move the goalpost for men.
For example, average-looking women often prioritize looks and physiques over emotional, intellectual, and business IQ. There’s nothing necessarily wrong with that because men are very visual creatures and we go after what we see.

The problem is that a man who is a 10 wants a woman who is a 10. Not someone who merely thinks she’s a 10. Whereas a woman who is not a 10, but feels like she is, thinks she can get any man she wants.
And men won’t prioritize a woman’s education, career, or independence over her looks and weight.
A man wants someone every other man thinks is a 10. He couldn’t care less what women consider a 10. He’s not competing with them. He wants to acquire what other men want.
Such a significant difference in women’s values, priorities, and goals contributes to their warped sense of understanding of the dynamics of relationships. Ultimately, what should be a match doesn’t match.
Modern women have changed the goalpost again, but men aren’t chasing the ball. Men are going their own way and this leaves women alone and compels men to get passports and fly to other countries for love, relationships, and marriage.
What We Have is a Failure to Communicate
Men Say What They Want, But Modern Women Don’t Listen
The internet is full of TikTok shorts, Instagram Reels, Twitter Tweets, and Facebook status updates of men vehemently telling women what they want in a woman.
If women were truly listening and acting on this privileged information, dating would be a breeze. But Modern Women aren’t listening. They are doing the exact opposite.
Men want:
- A woman who is fit, friendly, and feminine
- A woman who has a pleasant, soothing personality
- A woman who knows how to care for her home
- A woman who is nurturing and inspirational, not shaming and insulting
- A woman who respects his efforts and hard work
- A woman who heeds his suggestion when he advises that her outfit is too revealing for him
Do you see what isn’t on the list? This is what men want, but modern women will dismiss this and tell men what they should want.
Many modern women place a high value on things they bring to the table that men don’t care much about. These assets include education, a career, a desire to build, a partnership, etc.
What do women want men to want?
- A woman who is highly educated with advanced degrees
- A woman who is strong-willed and opinionated
- A woman who is a constant challenge and needs to be handled
- A woman who is a partner
- A woman who takes the lead when she doesn’t have confidence in her man
- A woman who works outside the home so she doesn’t work in the home
- A woman who prefers gourmet take-out over a home-cooked meal
- A woman who exercises her right to wear what she wants to wear regardless of the attention her outfit attracts
- A woman who believes your money is our money and my money is my money

Skewed Gender Roles and Equality
Modern Women in modern society often advocate for gender equality and will seek relationships based on a contemporary idea of shared responsibilities and mutual respect.
They place value on partnerships where spouses contribute equally to various aspects of life, like bills, food, clothing, shelter, etc.
Well…that’s what they say at least.
Those same women will demand that a man prove himself on the first date by treating her to an expensive, luxurious meal and a night out on the town. They say this is the only way they can see how he will treat them as a boyfriend or a husband.
However, those same women will adamantly object to showcasing any of their wifey potential because they don’t have a ring yet.
If they were truly looking for a partner to build and share everything with 50/50, courtship would be included in what’s split down the middle. That would include all dates, concerts, outings, picnics, vacations, and dinners.
Social media proves that most women desire a traditional man, however, what they offer that man – besides their precious time – is completely nontraditional.
Even though gender roles may vary among men and couples, average men tend to have more traditional views on gender roles.
Women, on the other hand, in an attempt to escape gender roles, assign traditional views as a value they desire in men but do not want to offer traditional treatment and respect to that man.
Modern women have diverse ambitions and drive motivations, especially when they’re in their masculine energy. They want to be the boss, they want to lead the relationship, they want the man to kowtow to their whims.
But if so, is he a man at all?
Ironically, many women want the man they’re with to physically attack another man even if he only verbally disrespects her. (Will Smith Protocol). So now that man goes to prison for a woman who won’t even make him dinner or sweep his floors until she has a ring.
Men Need Refuge
There is a reason why the term Man Cave exists. It’s because average men look at their homes as their refuge from the rest of the harsh, brutal world. Part of that home is the woman they return to every night.
See, we don’t need our woman to erase the scars of the day, we just need her to deftly avoid adding any more scars that day.
Our home was our first man cave. But when we couldn’t find peace in our homes, men commandeered the nearest room and turned it into a refuge. It didn’t matter if it was a spare bedroom, a laundry room, a closet, or a garage.
That refuge is easier to find when gender roles are aptly applied. It’s easier to see who’s standing beside you if they’re not trying to stand in front of you
If a woman disagrees with gender roles in their entirety, so be it. But it is hypocritical to rage against the application of gender roles for women but cheer a man who pays for everything and is a provider and protector.
When I was married the first time my wife used to get mad and say she was the one who always brought up the difficult subjects. I agreed with her and reminded her that life is not exactly 50/50 no matter what we say.
In the same way, she was the first person to bring up difficult subjects. I was the first person to suggest we not freak out over challenges and obstacles we face and try to calm down instead.
I was quite tired of having to reassure her, but that was part of my job as husband provider, and protector.
Unfortunately, this is another thing about average men that modern women don’t care about. Worse for them is that as they practice hypergamy and attempt to climb higher they’ll be met with even more challenging men who refuse to lower their standards.

The fact is, the act of choosing an average man reminds a deluded woman that she is indeed, average. She isn’t special, she isn’t a 10, and she isn’t in the top 1%. It is a confirmation that probably there isn’t anything terribly exciting in store for her. Her life will be simple and even mundane. Mediocre.
And that’s okay for most men as long as it comes with peace. But for women, mediocrity feels like a death sentence.
But that’s the problem Modern Women will have to face alone. And perhaps, they will need to buy a dog so they won’t die alone.
Average men will become Passport Brothers and they can transform their lives. They can date women from all over the world, where the women are marriage-minded, and applaud a so-called average life filled with love, mutual respect, and kindness.
Average is as average does.