An average man can become a man of value to the right woman, thus making him a High-Value man. Unfortunately, history has told us that every time something good comes along for men, there will be fools, and assholes laying claim to this new title, who ruin it for everyone. When it comes to Passport Brothers, many young and old men with discretionary income travel and leave destruction and poor feelings in their wake. They mistreat the local women in the name of pseudo-alpha male-ism when they are insecure little boys on the inside. I do not like these men. I do not advocate for these men. They are idiots and deserve what they get.
To me, Red Pill Ideology is about men understanding their worth in relationships and marriage after they spend time in solitude building up their psyche, and their emotional, financial, physical, and professional intelligences. A man who has not worked on himself if useless to himself and everyone else around him.
Passport Brothers, in particular, must root out the stupidness and immaturity that is attached to their inexperience and youth; they must seek and aspire towards becoming completely self-sufficient men with plans that align with their goal of becoming a High-Value Man.
- March 2025 – A Most Significant BirthdayI was divorced, my children were otherwise occupied (still under 18) and my so-called family didn’t even bother to send me Facebook birthday message.
- When It Comes To Traditional Southeast Asian Women, Don’t Sleep on VietnamTwo retired Genx African American men thought they’d never find love again, but they found it — n Vietnam.
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- I Cannot Believe This Happened (Part 2 of 3)This is part two of the series… December 2019 I flew back to Vietnam to spend time with Nghia. I’d made the decision to return to VN after we’d learned that our visa petition and application had been rejected by the US Consulate in Vietnam and sent back to the USCIS stateside for reconsideration. I’d… Read more: I Cannot Believe This Happened (Part 2 of 3)
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- When Love Meets Legal Barriers: The Supreme Court’s Landmark Visa RulingSCOTUS Ruling on Spousal Visa Denials Case: Department of State v. Muñoz Decision Date: June 22, 2024 Vote: 6-3 in favor of upholding consular nonreviewability
- Generations Battle Royale: Clash of Boomers, Gen Xers, and MillennialsIf there’s one thing humans have always done exceptionally well, it’s comparing themselves to others. Over the centuries, we’ve compared lands, riches, strength, and intelligence—and now, in the 21st century—generations. At the heart of every family gathering, every watercooler conversation, and increasingly every social media meme, there lies a simmering, occasionally boiling debate: Which generation… Read more: Generations Battle Royale: Clash of Boomers, Gen Xers, and Millennials
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- Clueless Women Ironically Expect Ridiculous Behavior in MenWomen, having never been men, can only offer an external viewpoint on what constitutes manhood. This perspective is fundamentally shaped by personal experiences, societal expectations, and cultural narratives, rather than an intrinsic understanding of male identity.
- Forbidden Advantages of Secret Relationships with Older Vietnamese WomenIf an older man has his pick of a woman in her early twenties or a woman in her late thirties, most would choose the latter.
- Passport Brothers: Getting My Passport at 51 Opened a Whole New World for Me to Discover and AppreciateOn every single trip outside of the U.S., I interacted with beautiful women who willingly gave me far more complimentary attention than I have ever received in the States.