Weird things tend to happen with modern women between the ages of 36 and 44. Some women will either get pregnant by a random guy or cheat on their husbands. If not those two things, women will be off to divorce court.

It reminds me of my situation where after five years of rebuilding, my wife said, “I don’t feel anything anymore. It’s over.”
Around the world in capitalist nations where men have made life so safe that women can walk around saying the damnedest things and no one challenges them, a woman wakes up one day with a changed mind. Normally, her friends, her mama, or social media influence her.
At her age, her fertility is dwindling and her sex drive gets higher. She finds herself in this weird mid-life crisis. She tells herself, “I’m still young enough to bear children, but I’m getting too old for that shit.”
Suddenly she’s annoyed because her man is not assertive, or he doesn’t buy her things because he’s too focused on saving money for the future. What happens is a lot of women are perfectly happy in their relationship. Then their best friend’s boyfriend does something extraordinary. Now she’s comparing the two men and she’s unhappy looking at her man.
Why doesn’t he do stuff like this for me? she thinks.
Here’s what foreign women understand that most modern feminist women do not. If you’re a woman who gets married in your twenties, you absolutely should be building a life with your man. Whatever it is, you should be working together with a single mind toward success.
But, at the very least, you should not be getting in the way of what he’s building. If you are not at the table building something, you should be nearby, supporting those who are.
But most modern women are not like this. So many women are like this in every community and every culture in the modern world. There’s a reason why so many guys are getting divorced around B.S. like this. And there’s a reason why so many younger men are going their own way; they’re turning away from dating and courtship.

Double Standards Breed Delusions in Modern Women
And then, there is the illogical delusion stemming from double standards. For example, a woman made the news recently when she arrived in Houston, TX from Tallahassee, FL at the start of the New Year. She was chasing her dream.
But it wasn’t a career she was chasing, it was the elusive dream of becoming a social media influencer. She had heard that Houston was the place to go to become a successful Content Creator.
She showed up in Houston with no money, no savings, dragging a small child behind her. Now she’s homeless and stuck outside in the cold with a small child and no money. This all happened because she heard on social media that Houston was the land of influencers.
Yeah, that’s not how that works.
You cannot just pop up someplace and become an influencer. But the problem is there are people (women) defending this woman stating that we should celebrate her for chasing her dreams. They chastise men for criticizing the women with the thought that we don’t know if she will be able to overcome this current hardship.
But I propose this alternative: What would women say about a man bringing his family with him to chase a dream of being a computer gamer? Would they give him the benefit of the down if his family ended up homeless?
Would you commend him for chasing his dream? Would you defend his choices? I think not. Most women would tell their wives to leave them.

Body Count: How Much is Too Much?
A female dating coach explained that her husband was number 13 of all the men she was dating at the same time. Number thirteen. That’s a hell of a lot of man-juggling to do. A lot of swapping spit, and a lot of getting felt up, groped, and smashed until she finally met her husband.
Now she “teaches” women to do the same thing, but with about three or four men. That’s three or four men she is currently dating, seeing, and spending time with, and perhaps sleeping with her. Men who are willingly spending money on her but have been deceived into thinking the relationship is monogamous. They are essentially competing for her – but they don’t know it.
That’s three or four men potentially paying for her dinners, and her bills, buying her things, and taking her on vacations.
This is why guys don’t want to take women out on expensive dates. There’s no actual courtship going on, they aren’t being considered by the woman. They are merely a meal ticket.
If a woman has thirteen guys on her roster, she knows that at least twelve will end up in the friend zone. So why bother? Why screw with these men? The reason why men don’t approach women is not just out of fear. One innocently flirtatious word can indeed get one labeled a “creep,” but it’s deeper than that. Men avoid women out of self-preservation.

Single Women Keep Women Single: I’m Not Your Mama.
The other day a woman gave her perspective on a video she saw of an African American Passport Brother having breakfast with his Filipino girlfriend. In the video, the young man watched happily as his girlfriend buttered his pancakes and cut them into small bite-sized pieces.
The single African American woman commenting on the video said, “When I saw this video, it made me feel like this is something I would do for my four-year-old son if I had one. And in a healthy relationship, the two of you should live to serve and please one another. However, there is a … [fine] line between wife and mom, and this is coming from someone whose love language is acts of service.”
First, I call B.S. on the “my love language is acts of service.”
Acts of service have no limitations. There are no stipulations and no quid pro quo. A person who is driven by acts of service does so because they enjoy it and it enriches their life. They feel complete when they do things for others. This woman is saying that she won’t do something if she feels like she should be doing it for a child.
Why not do it for a child and do it for an adult you love? It’s called caring and nurturing. Funny how women put a price on something God gave them naturally: the ability to nurture, foster, encourage, and cultivate. These things should be given freely not deployed with a scarcity mindset.

Acts of Service and Kind Gestures
I’d like to provide you with a slightly different scenario. A man and woman order a big stack of pancakes. He cuts his stack like a pizza. She always struggles to cut her stack. She goes to the restroom and returns to find her stack of pancakes neatly cut and ready for syrup. He did it. She looks at her man and smiles.
Nice gesture, huh? What’s wrong with this picture? Nothing. It is a sweet “act of service.” If you see something wrong with this you’re likely a woman plagued by a deluded sense of double standards.
This woman goes on to say that a “Healthy, masculine man would feel awkward with his woman buttering his waffles or his pancakes.” Really? Did she ask a healthy masculine man if or is she attempting to tell men what is masculine?
She goes on to say, “If you (women) are doing things that are indicative of what a mom would do with their son as a girl or wife to your man, at some point, you’re going to build some kind of resentment.”
This chick is essentially telling other women that they should develop resentment for their boyfriend or spouse if they do things like care, support, and nurture them in a way similar to a child. Let me expound on that: if they do so in a way that God gave them the talent, skills, and expertise to do so.
Same Old Tired Feminist Double Standards
Why is it that if a man goes out and earns a high salary to support his family, he’s doing what he’s supposed to do? But wait, isn’t that what your daddy did for you as a child? It seems you want your husband to be your other daddy then, right?
Why counsel women to feel this way? Why counsel women to go against their nature? It’s perfectly plausible to become frustrated with cleaning after someone, but breaking up shouldn’t be the inevitable conclusion.
And, here we go again with women trying to tell men what it’s like to be a real man. No way in hell would women sit around and listen to a man tell them what it’s like to be a real woman, yet they do it to men all the time.
We gotta stop listening. We gotta tell them to fuck off. We gotta tell them they have it all wrong and they’re gonna end up dying alone. Men have to go a different way and find women who appreciate what they have to offer. Protection. Provision. Love. Guidance. Leadership.
Foreign women see value that modern women all too often do not. That’s the primary difference and the reason why men are becoming Passport Brothers. Modern women clutch their fabricated masculinity like it’s a badge of honor.

Foreign Women Are Better Than Modern Women
Meanwhile, foreign women are willing and excited to let loose any form of masculinity they’ve adapted to survive. They embrace their feminine side.
Foreign women understand that it is the man’s role to protect and provide. They are very willing to become something very feminine and delicate, for him. Women who are trained to be good wives love servicing their men in the kitchen and the bedroom. And their men willingly defer to their wives’ prowess and skills to manage the home and the children.
Foreign women, especially Asian women take pride in seeing their men smile, be happy, and look good. They want to see men satisfied.
That’s why I and many others are telling men to get their passports because it is much sweeter on the other side. Happiness and contentment are more accessible on the other side.