I am 85 years old. I have experienced the American Dream because I was born a white, American male; I was privileged. Women did not have that privilege, African-Americans did not have that privilege, people of color did not have that privilege, Native Americans did not have that privilege, non-heterosexuals did not have that privilege–it was reserved for white, American males who presented as heterosexual.
In the 1960’s and 1970’s a sense of optimism filled the air in America, a genuine feeling that the American Dream could be made available to all people regardless of sex, color, creed, race, national origin or sexual orientation. It was a tumultuous time, the civil rights movement, assassinations, the Watergate scandal, the Vietnam War protest movement; nevertheless, there truly was the feeling of a promise of a better tomorrow.
Because we were so optimistic, we let down our guard; we took our freedoms for granted, a big mistake; freedom is a fragile gift that must be closely guarded.
I can’t pinpoint the exact time when the change began, I think it was when Ronald Reagan was elected President. A popular actor, a gentle-speaking likeable man, a convert to “conservative” values, a perfect puppet for the elitists, white supremacists and authoritarians who have been ever-present in our society since its very beginnings. “Trickle-down” economics seeped in, anti-trust regulations were relaxed, “Free Markets” was the slogan of the day, human beings were reduced to chits on a profit board, consumerism took hold as the gap between the richest and the poorest widened into an insurmountable divide during the ensuing decades. Money became the weapon of the rich and powerful white supremacists and Fascists who now seek to overthrow our tattered republic. Donald Trump is their latest puppet.

On November 5th, American citizens will be voting to decide whether our nation will remain a living, breathing Republic or will go the way of Russia, China, India, Hungary and all the other regimes that oppress their people under the heel of totalitarianism. THE CHOICE IS OURS; EVERY VOTE IS CRITICAL; THE SUM TOTAL OF OUR VOTES WILL ECHO THE VOICE OF FREEDOM.
Donald Trump has a fixed base of mindless supporters that will not grow significantly. If freedom-loving voters go to the polls, we can have a decisive victory and we can then begin the long and challenging task of restoring the promise of a better tomorrow, not just for American citizens, but FOR ALL HUMAN BEINGS.
I am an old man; I will not live to see my AMERICAN-DREAM-FOR-ALL come true. I have devoted my life to. this cause. Please allow me to celebrate the beginning of a better tomorrow for America and the world. IT CAN HAPPEN ON NOVEMBER 5TH!
Be well.
Alan Dorman