Hated at Worst, Tolerated at Best
Passport Bros are hated because, on the one side, we tell men to go their own way. We tell men to work on themselves to the point where women flock to them because of their confidence and success.
We tell young men to postpone seeking relationships with women until they discover their path. Western women hate this, or at best they try to ignore it, believing the results have no consequences for them. But as they get older, and the Wall gets closer, they feel the impact or less men, less attention, and less opportunity.
They have only their inflated egos and their ridiculous standards to blame.

We’ve Taken Away Women’s Last Option
When you decrease the SIMP Economy, Western women who prey on SIMPs may be forced to change. Or at least, they must look at themselves in the mirror.
NO SIMPS means we tell men to go a different way. Set women aside. Put their money into long-term investments and business.
We encourage young men to stop creating babies with women who are unfit to be mothers, and who only use them as bank accounts, taking child support from them for 18 years.
We encourage men to stop spending money online and stop paying for OnlyFans and other Adult Film venues.
When these other cash opportunities dwindle women will have to change. They must do what’s necessary to find and build with a man. They must regain their natural femininity and nurturing essence, or men will walk right past them.
Western and American Women are Trained to be Selfish First
Women tend to be naturally nurturing, hospitable, and motherly. It’s in their nature. Its biology. Men, tend to want to provide for and protect their families and loved ones. Its biology. If they are not, it’s because they are trained to override their base instincts.
Women’s attempts to be competitive with men have caused an imbalance. They are too masculine now, and in an overreaching exaggerated effort to out-masculine men, they are the exact opposite of men in their natural state.
Masculine Western feminist women have become selfish, egocentric, and self-centered. They believe they are the center of the world. But this is learned behavior gleaned from decades of forced feminism and suppressed femininity.
Women instinctively try to train other more feminine and cooperative women to be more masculine. The excuse that men forced women to be more masculine is no longer true. Women choose masculinity because it makes them feel empowered.
Other cultures have mastered the skill of being empowered and feminine. Western women have lost the ability to find strength in their femininity. Instead, they give in to their masculine side like a drug and exaggerate it.
American Women Don’t Want Good Men, They Want Bad Boys That Look Good
American Women don’t want good men. They want Drama. So they are attracted to the Bad Boys, Chads, and Tyrone who make their coochies tingle with the drama they bring to the table.
Western women believe good men are too steady, too predictable, and thus, too boring. Whereas, women overseas seek men who are predictable, steady, dependable, and honest. We will go to these women who appreciate us.
The World Often Welcomes and Recognizes the Ingenuity of African American Men
The unmistakable celebration of the immense contributions of black men to various facets of culture and society worldwide lies in imitation of black culture worldwide. the pioneering sounds of rap and hip-hop make these chart-topping music styles the most copied music styles in the world. Do you know who created it? Young black boys in urban streets.
Black artists have continually pushed boundaries, reshaping genres and influencing countless artists across the globe. Rap and hip-hop, born from the streets, have evolved into dominant forces in the music industry, reflecting the voices and experiences of black communities while resonating with audiences of diverse backgrounds.
The type of dancing you see in music videos, girl bands, and boy bands from South Korea to Southern Cali is the legacy of break-dancing. Again, it was created by young black boys in the streets. The art of breakdancing, with its electrifying creativity, dynamic movements, and expressive style, has captivated audiences behind the iron curtains of China and Russia to inspire dancers and artists leaving an indelible mark on the global cultural landscape of every continent.
Fashion is ripped from the creative minds of black men and boys. It’s pervasive. It’s everywhere. Despite how the West tries to hide it, black creative minds are revered by citizens throughout the world.
Women around the world see and appreciate our innovative resourcefulness and impact. We will go to them to find traditional nurturing, cooperative, and inspirational women to become our wives.
Passport Brothers Keep Winning Despite Continental Challenges
Despite the constant shaming tactics, and the rampant tourist crimes happening overseas, Passport Bros are doing well.
First, let’s separate Passport Bros from Sex Tourists. It’s not the same no matter how hard Western women try to conflate the two ideologies. Passport Bros are seeking traditional women to become their wives. They are not seeking throwaway sexual playthings.
The men seeking to manipulate women into one-night stands are not Passport Bros. The men who do take advantage of different cultures and economies for sexual purposes will be discovered and dealt with. It’s inevitable.
Women are utilizing the same tired tactics to shame men. Feminists, in particular, say Passport Bros have no money, have no game, and only want poor, vulnerable, non-English-speaking women who have little to no education.
Well, the so-called “poor, vulnerable, non-English-Speaking women with no education” came out in droves to clap back at Western women. Educated, bilingual women from Thailand, the Philippines, South Korea, and Vietnam spoke out against being portrayed in such an insulting way by Western women. They affirmed our choices by confirming their traditional values, ability to maintain a clean house, and a hygienic body. They confirmed that simple things like cooking for their man and taking care of his needs are part of their wifely responsibilities. This in the same way that providing and protecting are a man’s expected responsibilities.
Women’s Gut Instincts Are Telling Them: The End is Near, The Wall is Comming
What does a drowning person do in the last few moments of her life? She flails, kicks, screams and hollers. She knows the end is near and she makes one last-ditch effort to survive. It’s instinctive.
She should remain calm and take stock of things because kicking and flailing only worsen her situation. She uses up all her energy and sinks to the bottom.
Western women know what’s coming, the eternal darkness of the wall. However, these women are like drowning swimmers, they are wasting their energy with useless flailing.
Western women cling to intangible manifesting BS as if they can make a man appear out of thin air. If that were the case he’d be here by now, wouldn’t he?
Some older women are coming around and they acknowledge the wall. They see it planted in front of them. It’s hard to ignore and even harder to climb. And it’s only downhill from here.
So, they kick, scream, yell, and flail in a desperate attempt to float, but they sink. In the end, it’s all sound and fury, signifying nothing.